Optocell Technology 试剂盒代理_仪器仪表交易网
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OPTOCELL TECHNOLOGY OPTOCELL Technology主要致力于生物分析,是罗氏(Roche)公司的子公司。该团队主要是在细胞文化分析方面有的长期和知识。该团队也与勒费尔德地区的生物技术和研究机构合作。这些合作也促进了该公司产品的发展。 OPTOCELL TECHNOLOGY focuses on bio-process ysis. Withthe family of the CuBiAn biochemistry yser series, we brought up a newstandard into process development and regulated production in the biotechindustry. With the robustness, the automation capability and the nearlyunlimited expandability, it makes the CuBiAn series unique in its applicationrange. Additionally, OPTOCELL TECHNOLOGY technology develops and deliversconsumables, standards, maintenance and validation services for industrial andresearch applications in the biotech-sector. OPTOCELL TECHNOLOGY is a spin-off of the Roche Innovatis AG. Theteam has been mainly recruited of former Innovatis employees with their longexperience and knowledge in cell culture ysis. We collaborate with renownedbiotechnology and software research institutes in the greater Bielefeld area.These collaborations also serve to fuel the development of our products. 产品列表: Brand Art. No. Article Quantity nimumord Optocell 300001 ConSta 1.0, Batch A 1 x 6.5 mL 10 bottles 50 bottles 100 bottles Optocell 300002 ConSta 1.0, Batch B 1 x 6.5 mL 10 bottles 50 bottles 100 bottles Optocell 300004 ConSta 1.0, Batch A 1 x 11.5 mL 10 bottles 50 bottles 100 bottles Optocell 300005 ConSta 1.0, Batch B 1 x 11.5 mL 10 bottles 50 bottles 100 bottles Optocell 300003 ConSta 1.0 Comb2 2 x 6.5 mL 10 bottles 50 bottles 100 bottles Optocell 300006 ConSta 1.0 Comb2 2 x 11.5 mL 10 bottles 50 bottles 100 bottles Optocell 300007 FocSta 2.5 1 x 6.0 mL 10 bottles 50 bottles Optocell 300008 LinSta 0.5 1 x 20.0 mL 10 bottles 50 bottles 100 bottles Optocell 300009 LinSta 1.0 1 x 20.0 mL 10 bottles 50 bottles 100 bottles Optocell 300010 LinSta 2.5 1 x 20.0 mL 10 bottles 50 bottles 100 bottles Optocell 300011 LinSta 5.0 1 x 20.0 mL 10 bottles 50 bottles 100 bottles Optocell 300012 LinSta 7.5 1 x 20.0 mL 10 bottles 50 bottles 100 bottles Optocell 300013 ViaSta 1.0 (*) 1 x 10.0 mL 10 bottles 50 bottles 100 bottles Optocell 300014 ViaSta 0.8 (80%) 1 x 10.0 mL 10 bottles 50 bottles 100 bottles Optocell 300015 ViaSta 0.6 (60%) 1 x 10.0 mL 10 bottles 50 bottles 100 bottles Optocell 300016 ViaSta 0.3 (30%) 1 x 10.0 mL 10 bottles 50 bottles 100 bottles //// nbsp; 二、佰晔关于Optocell Technology蛋白、试剂盒、补体的声明佰晔生物致力于成为科研试剂搜索、采购一体化解决方案提供商!上海佰晔生物是一家致力于为生命科学研究、研发及生物技术公司提供优质、蛋白及检剂盒等产品的高科技生物技术公司。 目前上海佰晔生物的产品涵盖单克隆、多克隆、纯化蛋白质及生物试剂,此外,为研发人员特殊的实验需要,上海佰晔生物还提供/多肽定务。 严格的质控保证了上海佰晔生物产品的高性能。 上海佰晔生物公司细胞近3000种,来源于美国ATCC,细胞都是经过严格控制,在努力搭建正牌细胞与国内广大科研人员之间的沟通桥梁。为您提供Optocell Technology相关产品外,还有更多相关实验产品,品,细胞株和实验技术服务等等前期后续服务。 市面上的Optocell Technology\"李鬼”细胞荼毒科研,科学家指出被污染细胞系使生物医学遭受严重损失,细胞的身份至关重要。 三、Optocell Technology蛋白、试剂盒、补体售后服务政策 Acris、 abcam、cst、Biorbyt、santa、Novus、sigma、lifespan、NEB、roche、ABI、Ramp;amp;D millipore、BD、Qiagen Cayman、Jackson Life、GeneTex、Bio-Rad DSHB、tocris、peprotech 等品牌;部分产品现货,超低比价,另常备、Trizol、DMSO、lipo2000、lipo3000、SC-2004、SC-2005常备现货 ;货期短,价格优,售后齐全。 Optocell Technology污染问题,请在收到产品48小时内,给我们提出真实的实验结果;细胞活性问题,请在收到产品7天内给我们提出真实的实验结果,我们调查核实后予免费调换,不收取任何费用。 需要客户Optocell Technology细胞说明、细胞操作处理、细胞问题反馈表。 如用户收到细胞8-30天之内,因处理不当造成细胞死亡或污染,我公司将优惠价重新一株原细胞 Optocell Technology可靠,售后有保障 我库细胞近3000种,来源于美国ATCC,细胞都是经过严格控制。 冻存细胞时间为5-7个工作日,活细胞为7-15个工作日。 由于细胞库现有细胞类目多,为了不出现混乱错误,需要了解Optocell Technology相关细胞价格及详细资料请告诉我们,对您造成的不便还请见谅! 四、我们代理的品牌除了Optocell Technology,我们还代理如下品牌:Quidel Swant innov-researchEurofins DiscoverXAlomone Labs USD Apohtech Bioaim Custom ELISA Kit Bioaim ELISA Bioaim Bioporto NGAL BioTeZ_Product_Data_AB ELISA etc 0806 CCT clickchemistrytools Crystalchem Diametra edgebio Eramask Exocell Fitzgerald fii genebridges giottobiotech Golden West Diagnostics Immunostep INCELL Corporation(定制产品需询价) Insitus Lee Biosolutions Lee Biosolutions lumiprobe nanoComposix Nanoimmunotech PBL Assay Science 产品 Physitemp Polysciences Prolume NanoLightQuantaBioDesign QuickZyme Spherotech Copy of Spherotech Spring Bioscience SYSY The Native Antigen Company Torrey Pines Biolabs(Chemokine) ViroStat XENOMETRIX xenometrixzytovision 的蛋白、试剂盒、补体、等,欢迎来~电~洽~谈(本页右上角)!nbsp; 更多可访问网址:http://sixin1.testmart.cnnbsp; (By:WHY 202134) 以上信息由企业自行提供,信息内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由相关企业负责,仪器仪表交易网对此不承担任何保证责任。 温馨提示:为规避购买风险,建议您在购买产品前务必确认供应商资质及产品质量。
本文链接: http://nanocomposix.immuno-online.com/view-1616456229.html
发布于 : 2025-01-15